Sunday, October 12, 2008

More about my mother

my mother... what a beautiful person. She married 2 men. She married my brothers father. And my father. Not but 5 years later she had died... I had yet to understand death/ dying. She used to sing us to sleep. And she would lay right next to us. My brother however I dont think he is as much effected as I am. He likes this new woman that father has taken an intrest in. After my 10th birthday on the anniversery of mother's death i went into a deep depression, and they only one who could help me out of it was mother but that was impossible, she had been dead six painful years. I can remember it as just yesterday. January 29th 1999. Just 4 days and 4 years after I was born. I remember what that night was like lying in my bed in a room filled with darkness, and my sister and her bed. I remember hollering for father to tell mother to come sing to us, because I could not sleep. He came in quietly and I remember the room filling with light from the hall, and he came and sat in the rocking chair in between our bed. He started to sing the song mother used to sing. and when he finished he kissed each of our heads and then said mother went on a trip and wouldnt be back for a while. I remember waking up the next morning and i ran into my mothers/fathers room and jumped on to her side of the bed and her not being there to hug me while i was hugging the air. I started talking jibberish, like father said that you went on a very long trip and wouldnt be coming back for a while mother, but he was just lying right mother?? and stuff very much similar, but then i opened my eyes and nothing was there. just a blank, empty room.... I remember crying and sitting there for the whole day thinking she'd be back later. I remember waking up everyday for the next few months and Id run in to her room to see if she had came home today, but everytime there was nothing but an empty room.


Capri Amier Amour said...

Oh, My , Gosh... You poor thing. Your story made me cry... I'm sorry. He had no right to lie to you, even at such a young age...

Annie Lyn said...

dont be sorry... she wouldnt want you to be sorry for me.... she would want me to move on become sucessful and live to be a great mother. Its like im the only one who believes in her anymore...It seems ady has just forgot, and bubby too. Lesley has no idea why i am so sad and lonely sometimes. And Makenly and Jacob... they have just ignored it... i guess because I can tell it is there irratating them.
I've just lost hope. It seems to me that everyone is living this big lie. They act like hiding the real truth is going to help, but it never will. Im going to say a little prayer for mother, please bow your head, and read along.
this is for mother.
God looked around His garden
and found an empty place,
He then looked down apon this earth
and He saw your tired face.
He put his arm around you
And lifted you to rest,
God's garden must be beautiful
He always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering
He knew you were in pain,
He knew that you would never
Get well on this earth again.
He saw the road was getting rough
and the hills are hard to climb,
So God closed your weary eyelids
And whispered "Peace be thine"
It broke our heart to lose you
But you didn't go alone,
For part of us went with you
The day God called you home.

*In loving memory of Maybell Lyn E*

Capri Amier Amour said...

Okay, you made me cry again..

Annie Lyn said...
